Financial reporting
Success by the numbers
Milliman financial reporting solutions

Financial projections and reporting

IFRS reporting

Economic value based solvency (ICS)
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Milliman financial reporting insight

Issue Brief
Are you prepared for additional Solvency II annual reporting requirements?
In this briefing, we discuss four new templates that are required after two full years of Solvency II reporting.

Research Report
Investment strategy under Solvency II
Learn how you can optimize your investment allocation to improve returns and reduce risk.

Research Report
IFRS implementation survey
How are you measuring up in terms of IFRS readiness? Check out our survey on the topic, conducted with 115 insurers around the globe.

White Paper
Solvency II Standard Formula: Volume Measure for Premium Risk
This paper summarizes regulatory guidance around premium risk capital requirement calculations.
Milliman financial reporting products
Financial modelling & industrialisation
Solvency II reporting & compliance
Solvency II compliance
Solvency II Compliance Assessment Tool