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Analysis of non-life insurers' Solvency and Financial Condition Reports: European non-life insurers year-end 2019

ByDerek Newton, Marc Smillie, and Ian Penfold
3 November 2020

In 2020, (re)insurance undertakings across the EU published their fourth set of Solvency and Financial Condition Reports (SFCRs). These SFCRs were as at the 2019 year-end. The analyses underlying this research report focus on the quantitative information contained in the Quantitative Reporting Templates within the SFCRs and draw conclusions from those about the balance sheets and risk exposures of European non-life insurers. Our European analysis of the non-life market covers 884 companies from 15 countries which together comprise almost £350 billion of gross written premium and over £504 billion of gross non-life technical provisions.

Derek Newton

Marc Smillie

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