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Analysis of non-life insurers' Solvency and Financial Condition Reports: European non-life insurers year-end 2020

ByDerek Newton, Ian Penfold, and Vidyut Vardhan
10 September 2021

This year, (re)insurance companies across the European Union (EU) published their fifth set of solvency and financial condition reports (SFCRs). In this report, we summarise those SFCRs as they relate to non-life insurers regulated in the EU, and set out the results of our analyses. We have also included the United Kingdom in the report, as it continues to operate an insurance regulatory regime that is essentially identical to Solvency II. Our report includes:

  • Review of the solvency position of the European market as a whole
  • Components of the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR)
  • Analysis of the main Solvency II balance sheet items
  • Underwriting key performance indicators

Derek Newton

Vidyut Vardhan

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