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Shareholder Value Reporting in Europe Year-End 2018

7 January 2020

This publication focusses on assessing various shareholder metrics as at year-end 2018, based on publicly disclosed information, that could be used by interested parties - such as investors or market analysts - to form a view on the profitability of a firm’s business. With some firms now using Solvency II Own Funds as a basis for value reporting, a comparison is provided of disclosed value metrics and the level of Solvency II Own Funds with metrics originally defined in previous Milliman papers: Solvency II Adjusted Own Funds and Solvency II Appraisal Value. The use of these methodologies builds on work detailed in these papers and uses information from Solvency II Quantitative Reporting Templates to arrive at an estimate of shareholder value. Developments in the regulatory landscape, such as IFRS 17 and Insurance Capital Standards, have also been examined along with how they might affect the future of shareholder value reporting.


Stuart Reynolds

Lyndsay Wrobel

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