私たちの仲間:私たちは、ダイバーシティおよびインクルージョンを促す活動を通じ、従業員を育て、称えます。International Association of Black ActuariesおよびOrganization of Latino Actuariesの奨学金プログラムやスポンサー活動を通じ、我々の業界での活躍が多くない人々を増やす取り組みをしています。Milliman UniversityやMilliman Mentorship Programをはじめとする教育およびメンター制度により、従業員自身のキャリアの成長を支援します。
社会的責任は、私たちのお客様との仕事の進め方、人材採用や人材開発の在り方、そしてコミュニティーとの交流など、私たちの行動すべてに組み込まれています。 ミリマンのCSR(企業の社会的責任)ステートメントとポリシーは、倫理的で持続可能なビジネス実務、コミュニティーを変えるイノベーション、慈善活動、そしてダイバーシティとインクルージョンに関する基準を定めています。
国連グローバルコンパクトミリマンは、2019年に、その社会的責任に対するコミットメントを拡大しました。具体的には、貧困を終わらせ、地球環境を保護し、全ての繁栄を確保することを目指すUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs)にコミットするUnited Nations Global Compact に署名しました。UNSDGsは、全ての人々の健康と経済的に豊かな生活を支えるというミリマンのミッションの、自然な延長線上にあります。
Milliman Giving Fund
While many staff donate and volunteer locally, our firmwide charitable giving is directed by our employee and retiree-funded Milliman Giving Fund. The Milliman Giving Fund amplifies our mission by funding transformative programs to improve the health, education, and economic development of communities worldwide. We have granted more than $3 million to fund signature projects with partners in these focus areas. At this time, the Milliman Giving Fund only accepts proposals by request.
Opportunity International – Opportunity Zone
The Milliman Giving fund partners with Opportunity International to fuel the economic transformation of thousands of parents and children living in poverty in Uganda and Colombia. From 2019-2021, we granted $750,000 to fund an Opportunity Zone program in Mityana, Uganda. The program combines two high-impact education and rural finance programs to create a zone where more jobs, higher incomes for parents, and quality education for children accelerate the pace in which families and communities can build a better future. Based on its success, we have granted up to $900,000 from 2022-2024 to build on the progress of the Mityana zone and start a new zone in Cartagena, Colombia.
The Actuarial Foundation – Math Motivators
Milliman partners with The Actuarial Foundation to support Math Motivators—a free tutoring program that pairs lower-income students with volunteer math tutors.
Since 2018, the Milliman Giving Fund has been a significant funder of the program’s expansion that helped reach more than 1,000 students per year in 22 states. Our continuing support enables further program expansion, including virtual tutoring, drop-in centers, expanded grade levels, test prep, tutoring in multiple languages, and their Money Mentors financial literacy program.
Milliman employees and retirees also volunteer as tutors in many cities.